Sunday, January 6, 2008

pictures, compliments of my roommate!

Pictures from my birthday! Hiroshi had such a nice set-up for us! He knows I can't drink caffeine at night, so he made a special menu of drinks just for me! And he doesn't really speak Engish, so he looked up most of the words in a dictionary!

These Christmas lights might be the best ones in Japan! At least they're the coolest ones I saw this year, and I really enjoyed them. I found them when I was on a run and went back just to see them.

Shyla and I are taking care of the kids! I really really enjoyed helping out with the child care at the Japanese staff conference! That's Micah and JJ. Plus, I got to hold James a lot, and he slept in my arms for over an hour and it was so sweet! Precious!

So the most exciting thing in the last week was that I went with my team leader to feed the homeless. It was really awesome! We totally couldn't communicate with anyone, but they said thank you and sometimes even in English. We gave out some warm stuff and rice triangles, peanuts, and fruit. It was cool to see them appreciate it.

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