Sunday, October 23, 2011

around the world

It's pretty fun in Japanese class how the teachers use the students as examples. When we were practicing time (i.e. from 9 am to 5 pm) a representative from all 11 counties shared what time the bank is open. They were almost all different. And everyone was really surprised that most schools in America start at 8, (apparently we're early.)

I was feeling pretty tired before our last section on Friday, and the girl that sits next to me said it's because I "laughed too much today." It's so amusing having so many backgrounds (and the teachers are pretty entertaining.)

My favorite was practicing verbs though. For the flashcard of the guy with a plate of eggs, we all said, I eat eggs for breakfast (In Japanese, of course.) Then for the picture of the bank, we were saying that in the bank we get money...but we've only learned about five verbs, and that doesn't include "to get" or "to withdraw" or any equivalent. "To take" was the only word remotely close that I knew, so I blurted it out (American,) to which the teacher responded, "Kowai!" (scary!) as she jumped back.

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