Saturday, October 31, 2009

difficulties concerning guidance and doubts

8:  "Some, however, may say here, 'But I thought we were not to depend on our unenlightened human understanding in Divine things.'  I answer to this that we are not to depend upon our unenlightened human understanding, but upon our human judgement and common sense enlightened by the Spirit of God."  

9:  "Look right at Jesus, and tell Him that you do trust Him, and that you intend to go on trusting Him.  Then let the doubts clamor as they may, they cannot hurt you if you will not let them in.  I know it will look to you sometimes as though you were shutting your door against your best friends...but deny yourself; take up your cross in this matter, and quietly but firmly refuse ever to listen to a single word."   

Friday, October 16, 2009


5: "Difficulties Concerning Consecration"

"Come once more to Him, in a surrender of your whole self to His will, as complete as you know how to make it.  You must ask Him to reveal to you, by His Spirit, any hidden rebellion; and if He reveals nothing, then you must believe that there is nothing, and that the surrender is complete."  

6: "Difficulties Concerning Faith"

"You have trusted Him in a few things, and He has not failed you.  Trust Him now for everything and see if He does not do for you exceedingly abundantly, above all that you could ever have asked or even thought, not according to your power or capacity, but according to His own mighty power, working in you all the good pleasure of His most blessed will." 

7: "Difficulties Concerning the Will"

"If, therefore, you have in your will taken the steps of surrender and faith, it is your right to believe even now, no matter how much your feelings may clamor against it, that you are all the Lord's."