Saturday, May 24, 2008


As in the fall, Tokyo University students presented an amazing school festival today! They're still really smart...they had churros again too. It was also unbelievably fun to watch my friend Kohjiro juggle/dance in a panda bear suit!

My teammates also blessed me more than I could have hoped this week! They were great to be with as usual, AND, Shyla made me this beautiful box to store all of my recipes in and Kermit bought me a Bible in Spanish!!! Both of these gifts were surprises for no particular occassion, I might add!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

tokyo tower

While my life has been phenomenally blessed lately, I just want to vent really quickly. I have trash problems. I was really lazy and in denial that the canned tomatoes that I opened a while ago to make enchiladas needed to be thrown away. This would be simple to fix in some regions of the world, but not so easy in Japan. Now that I've cleared out the tomato remnants and mold that were growing in our refrigerator, I have to wait approximately one and a half weeks for the every-other-friday when we can dispose of our cans and glass products. I think my roommate hates me (I'm sorry Shyla!)
I really love living in Tokyo though. We had a great concert a couple weeks ago at a little club in Chofu. I think it was my last one, and I loved it and we ended on "Jesus Paid it All" which is my second favorite. We also sang my favorite, which I fondly call "Blind Man."
Tonight I went to Tokyo Tower with three amazingly cool girls from Sophia University! I love hanging out with them so much and we went to a great Italian restaurant where I got cheese pizza. The view of the city was also beautifully impressive!
Lately, I have also been blessed in many ways such as visiting a monkey park, going on the best rollar coaster in the world, having amazing quality time with all of my co-workers, seeing a friend from high school and her mom in Tokyo, dancing in Shyla's classes, and having the fine privilege of seeing two girls accept Jesus into their hearts!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Yesterday I went to Odawara, Nao's hometown, and had the best possible day I could imagine.